Angemeldet als:
Angemeldet als:
The "mobile peanut vendor"
This was an entry and a runner-up to a photo challenge set by Mike Browne, an award winning photographer. The theme of the challenge is "profession".
The complete live feedback session can be viewed via youtube here:
And here is the link to his website:
Shot in one of the food stalls during the annual Feria de Candon
"Late spidey"
This spiderman mascot appears to be late for work. He's even having a bottle of water with him!
Shot during the annual Feria de Candon float parade
"Good boy!"
This dog seems to be enjoying watching the parade. He kept in line within the border of parade watchers set by the marshals unlike some other hoomans 😅
"Dog float"
Shot during the grand float parade of annual Feria de Candon
The vendor's strategy to sell his product! 😂👌
Shot at Candon City Plaza
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